The Race Organiser : Loseley Park 10K & 5K
Find out more about our COVID-secure, contact-free event plans and how upcoming events are affected

Loseley Park 10K & 5K

Loseley House, Loseley Park, GUILDFORD. GU3 1HS

Online entry for this event has now closed. Entry on the day will be available, subject to a £5 surcharge. Payment will be accepted by card only; further information can be found here.


You’ve stumbled across a mind-gripping, leg-burning, heart-racing and thrilling trail run in the heart of Surrey at Loseley Park, perhaps better known as ‘Broadlands’ in Netflix’s The Crown.


The Loseley Park 10K and 5K trail run is set against the stunning backdrop of Loseley House, which has hardly changed since it was built in the 16th century using reclaimed stone from Waverley Abbey.


With 1,400 acres to play with, the route will take you down a sandy section of the historic North Downs Way, on tractor ruts over the fields and along (and up, and down) muddy, winding trails through the woods – watch out for Muntjac and Roe deer gambolling amidst the bluebells!


The climbs won’t be the only thing to steal your breath - the view from the top of the Hog’s Back Ridge is spectacular - and you’ll also be treated to a scenic downhill stretch in your final kilometre.


Both distances are challenging - you WILL find it tough, and you WILL get muddy – just don’t forget your trail running shoes!


Event merchandise is available for purchase during registration for delivery by the following weekend when ordered by Sunday.


All of our events are organised following government and governing body COVID-19 guidance. We will continue to ensure that we deliver safe and enjoyable events.


Entry on the day will be subject to availability and a £5 surcharge.


For event updates and future promotions, follow AAT Events on FacebookTwitter and Instagram. You can also join our Strava club to see how your fellow competitors are training and compare your event day performance.


Event Details



This event will not be licensed.


Bib Numbers

Bib numbers are available for collection at the event only, participants should not expect to receive anything by mail.



Results will be uploaded live to our website (internet connection permitting) and communicated to all pre-registered participants within 24 hours of the event.



All finishers will receive a medal on completing their event and, subject to a competitive field of participants, prizes may be available for the top three places overall - and the top place in each of the veteran categories (V40/V50/V60/V70) - for both females and males at each distance. Winners will be notified via email by the end of the following week once results are considered final.



Pacers will not be offered at this event.




Medical Cover

Suitable medical cover is provided at our events in case of a medical emergency. 


Bag Drop

Whilst we recommend bringing as little as possible, participants can leave essential belongings with us using the tear-off baggage strip on their bib.



Event images are expected to be available, usually within 24 hours of the event.


Water Stations

Water will be available on both routes.



Toilets will be available around the start/finish area for use throughout the event. Toilets will not be available on the route.


Changing Rooms/Showers 

There are no dedicated changing rooms/showers.


Other Information



This event is not suitable for wheelchair users due to the nature of the terrain.


BuggiesPushchairs and Strollers

This event is not suitable for buggies, pushchairs, strollers (or similar) due to the nature of the terrain.



Spectators are permitted at this event.



Noise-cancelling earphones/headphones are prohibited and, whilst we discourage the use of other earphones/headphones in running events, participants choosing to use them should ensure they are set to a low enough volume that instructions from event officials can be clearly understood. 



Participants must not be accompanied by a personally owned or controlled dog during an event. Entries may be accepted from participants with medical assistance dogs, subject to them being correctly registered and identifiable as such, and subject to prior approval by the Event Director.




Further details with respect to planning your journey and available parking facilities will be communicated prior to the event to all registered participants.